Supporting the Armed Forces, Merchant Navy and Emergency Services since 2013
Roll of Honour
2019 - 2021
July to December.
The names on this roll of honour are those whose families we have supported through the grief process in various ways and also whose memory we have honoured at their funerals and in the silence across all our supporters
Malcolm Davies who served in the Merchant Navy during World War Two until 1960
Major Andrew Holliday who served in the Army Dental Corps
Sarah Piggott who served in the Royal Air Force for 14 years
Graham Peters aged 73 who served in the Royal Navy for 15 Years
Captain AJ Leahy CBE DSC RN who served in the Royal Navy
Alan Wheeler who served in the Northumberland Fusiliers from 1958 -1983
Tony Furness who served in the Royal Air Force
Capt. Herbert Mason aged 88 who served in the West Somerset Yeomanry and 6th Bt Light Infantry
Toni Anderson aged 61 who served in the WRAC
Raymond Pennell aged 73 who served in REME
Robert Corfield aged 96 who served in the Liverpool regiment in WW2
Albert Small who served in the Royal Navy
Sgt. Lionel Cook who served in REME 1981 – 2003
Brian Rush aged 79 who served in the South Wales Borders / Welsh Guards from 1956-1980
Malcolm Young aged 83 who served in the Royal Navy for 22 years
Grant Devonshire aged 43 who served in the army for an unknown time
Edward Cousins who served in the Merchant Navy during World War Two and beyond
Christopher Shaw aged 94 who served in the Royal Navy during World War Two
Jack Prince aged 102 who served in the Devonshire Regiment during World War Two
Fred Spencer aged 95 who served in the Royal Navy during World War Two
Alfred Cole aged 96 who served in the Royal Navy during World War Two
John Hillier who served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two
Commander Hugh Thompson who served in the Royal Navy
Frederick Sills aged 95 who served in the Royal Air Force 617 Squadron 1946 -1948
Alfred Head aged 94 who served in the 53rd Welch Regiment during World War Two
Ralph Young aged 80 who served for 25 years in the Para Engineers
Sydney Emerton who served for 27 years in the Merchant Navy
Captain Sir Tom Moore aged 100 Yorkshire Regiment and NHS Champion
Warrant Officer Allan Harvey who served in the RAF for 40 yrs.
Stephen Barrett who served as Regimental Sergeant Major in the Royal Military Police
Thomas Jones aged 72 who served in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Walter Seymour aged 91 who served in the Royal Artillery for 22 yrs.
Michael Brown aged 81 who served in the Royal Marines 1950-1960
Michael Gleadall who served in the Welch Regiment Territorials
Joseph Lee aged 84 who served in 1st Battalion Parachute Regiment
Leslie Barton aged 88 who served in the Royal Air Force 1950 – 1960
Robert Coverdale aged 97 who was a Spitfire Pilot in WW2 and then continued in the RAF for 22yrs
Sgt. Peter Lydall aged 87 served in the Army Physical Training Corps for 20 yrs.
Sgt. Richard Howard aged 95 served in 40 commando Royal Marines
Alice Hornsby ISM - Army wife for 20 years and RAF volunteer for 25 Years
Malcom Mayo aged 88 served in the Royal Air Force
Eric Tandy aged 96 who was a D Day Veteran and then continued to serve till 1985
Alfred Robinson who served in the Royal Marines in the 1950s
Derek Card aged 81 who served in the Royal Air Force 1956-1975
Don Hitchcock served in the Royal Navy during World War Two
Captain Norman Larkin aged 77 who served in the Merchant Navy for 47 years
Kenneth Osbourne aged 55 who served in the Royal Military Police in the 1980s
Captain David Parks who served in the Merchant Navy
Walter Taylor aged 97 who served in the Lancashire Fusiliers and landed on Gold Beach during DDAY
Alan Rodgerson aged 87 served in the Royal Navy and a Korean War Veteran
Rex Lamptey served in the SAS at some time
Hector Hunter aged 95 served in the Royal Air Force 1945-1948
Richard Mynors-Wallis served in the Royal Air Force 1955-1973
Richard Lindsay aged 90 who served in the Royal Artillery
Chief Petty Officer Ronald Pearce aged 90 who served in the Fleet Air Arm
Barrie Tomkinson aged 93 who served 1950-1960 in the Royal Air Force
Raymond Parry aged 87 who served in the Royal Air Force
Jack Statham aged 92 who served in the Royal Air Force 1940-1945
Malcolm Bucknall who served in the Merchant Navy 1960-1964
Barney Stamp aged 95 served in the Royal Navy during World War Two
Malcolm Reeve aged 80 who had a long distinguished service in the Army
Victor Harris aged 88 who served in the Royal Navy 1947 – 1962
Derek Ward aged 84 who served in the Fleet Air Arm from 1951 -1965
Albert Randle who served in the Army 1950-1960
Major James Geoghegan aged 86 who served in the Royal Engineers
Squadron Leader Victor Ludlow who served in the Royal Air Force 1954-1975
Roger Hamblin who served in the Royal Navy
Andrew Jackson aged 71 who served in the Honourable Artillery Company for many years
George Mross aged 94 who served during World War Two
Kenneth Wass who served in the Royal Navy 1947 – 1960
Norman Austin aged 84 who served in the RAF Regiment
William Bambury aged 86 who served in the Royal Tank Regiment 1950 – 1968
John Rogers aged 81 who served in the Duke of Edinburgh Royal Regiment in the 1950s
John Hancock who served in the Royal Air Force
Robert Taylor aged 74 who served in the Royal Signals
Chief Petty Officer Charles Lockwood who served in the Royal Navy
Arthur Mack aged 81 who served in the Royal Green Jackets 1965-1975
Harry Braitwaite aged 97 who served in the RAF during World War Two
Brian Flippence aged 81 who served in the Household Division and SAS
HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh – Royal Navy during World War Two
Shaun Cranston aged 64 served in the Royal Fusiliers for 10 yrs.
David Oates who served in the Royal Signals and then Halifax Ambulance Service for many years
Mark Stanley who served in the Lifeguards and then Halifax Ambulance Service for 30 years
Stephen Cook aged 61 who served in the Royal Navy for 23 years
Wing Commander John Clifford OBE who served in the Royal Air Force for 37 years
William Poulson aged 78 who served in the Royal Artillery for 22 years
Alec Hall who served in the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in the 1950s
Gordon Banks aged 75 who served in REME for 22 years
Robert Butterworth aged 86 who served in the Royal Navy 1951 – 1963
Raymond Cato who served in the Royal Navy 1964-1982
Marjorie Teeves aged 51 who was a nurse in the NHS and died of Covid
Stephen Anderson aged 69 who served in the Royal Engineers
Derek Messent aged 96 who served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two
Robert Alcock aged 85 who served in the Parachute Regiment in the 1950s
Brian Tranter served in the 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards
Peter Sweet served in the Royal Army Medical Corps
Stuart Philip who served in the Royal Air Force
Derek Caffrey aged 84 who served in the Royal Air Force 1953-1975
Arthur Davidson aged 81 who served in the Durham Light Infantry
Colonel HG Tippet who served in the Royal Artillery
Ronald Clow who served in the Royal Navy 1950-1960
Charles Pittaway aged 84 who served in the Royal Air Force
Dame Vera Lynn
Paul Sancto aged 77 who served in REME
Ralph Harvey aged 89 who served in the Royal Navy
Stephen Jones who served in the 16th/5th Royal Lancers 1973-1982
Thomas Horgan aged 89 who served in the Irish Guards
Gwendoline Morris (nee dyer) who served in the RAF during World War Two
Major Guy Cornwell aged 57 served in RAOC and Defence Intelligence Corps
Henry Rhodes aged 91 served in the RASC in the 1950s